• ΝΕ 59
    ECTS: 6

    Special Change Management And Innovation Issues

    Course description In this course, phenomena related to innovation and change management are examined; on macro, meso, and micro levels. The perspective brought forth by this examination aims to offer [...]

  • ΝΚ 64B
    ECTS: 6

    Business Strategy

    Course description The subject of this course is mainly how firms, as socio-economic organizations, articulate their strategy. One of the most critical missions in elaborating business strategy is constructing, implementing, [...]

  • ΝΕ 82
    ECTS: 6

    International Management

    Course description International management focuses on the opportunities and challenges created by the dynamics of globalization. It examines cross-cultural and organizational phenomena related to management within an international market and [...]

  • ΝΚ85
    ECTS: 6

    International Business Relations

    Course Description The globalization of the world economy is radically changing the business landscape. Consequently, multinationals are becoming more ubiquitous as an instrument of economic and business activity. The business [...]

  • NK54A
    ECTS: 6

    International political Economy

    COURSE CONTENT This course deals with the interaction between international politics and the global economy that is the core concern of International Political Economy. It examines a variety of theoretical [...]

  • ΝΚ84Α
    ECTS: 6

    Dynamical Systems

    Contents: The goal of the course is to develop the quantitative and qualitative theory of differential and difference equations and to look at relevant examples which illustrate this theory.   [...]

  • NK23
    ECTS: 6

    Mathematics II

    Contents: The first goal of the course is to teach the key mathematical tools that are useful for the study of economics. The second goal, is to show real (but [...]

  • NK13
    ECTS: 6

    Mathematics I

    The first goal of the course is to teach the key mathematical tools that are useful for the study of economics. The second goal, is to show real (but relatively [...]